Physical Education
You can read details of the national curriculum for PE here.
Our school aims to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. Our goal is to ensure children leave our school with an excellent understanding of the importance of keeping fit and healthy and how this can aid our mental health. Through high quality PE provision and a whole child approach, we aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best.

Children access two hours of PE lessons per week with their class teachers and all year groups receive input each year from specialist teachers and coaches in a range of sports, including football, rugby, cricket and dance.
In EYFS, we begin with a focus on fundamental movement skills and work on an introduction to ball skills. Following on from this, in KS1 the children continue to develop ball skills through net and wall, striking and fielding and target games. We also focus on team work and start to encourage strategic thinking.
Building on this prior knowledge, in KS2 the children continue to develop key skills through sports such as netball, football, rugby and cricket. Children in all year groups participate in gymnastics and dance lesson and Year 5 and 6 children take part in swimming lessons run by external teachers; these are currently held at Banstead Prep School. Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 attend residential trips where they take part in a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities. These trips also help to develop team work and leadership skills. We use the GetSet4PE scheme to assist us in delivering a varied and progressive curriculum, where pupils can develop their skills through a range of sports and activities.
Extra-curricular Opportunities
Outside of our PE lessons, we ensure that all children are active for at least 30 minutes per day, through active break times, the Daily Mile, lunch and after-school clubs, active lessons in class or other sport and physical activity events.
Our after-school clubs include karate, netball and dance club, alongside our multi-sports clubs and football club run by Josh Evan’s Soccer School coaches. We also run an active lunchtime club for children who may not have access to clubs outside of school. We strive to educate both our children and their families to help them develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices.
St Anne’s has strong links with local clubs and schools within our community to ensure the children access a range of sporting opportunities. We are part of the North Downs Partnership and play matches and tournaments against local schools. We have always been extremely successful, especially in netball, football and athletics, progressing to regional tournaments. Sporting opportunities start in the infants with a few fun competitions and then increase as the children move through the school.
We also strive to give the children opportunities to develop their leadership skills. A group of Year 6 children are selected each year as the ‘Sports Crew’. These children receive training and support children in younger years with sports at playtimes and help to organise sporting activities in the school. The Sports Crew also take a lead role in running our annual Sports Day; a celebration of the children’s sporting skills and to see how the children have progressed during the year. The children take part in a variety of events on our multi-sports pitch and collect points for their house groups. Parents are invited along to celebrate all the children’s sporting achievements.

Sports Premium Funding
Like all primary schools, St Anne's receives specific funding to enhance our provision for PE and sport. We use this to pay for a highly experienced and competent specialist PE teacher to work in the school for one day a week. During this time, she works alongside class teachers to help them deliver the PE curriculum more effectively and upskill them as PE teachers. She also uses her time to help provide additional sports opportunities for children of all abilities.
You can read more about what we do and the impact of our work in 2023 - 24 here 2022-23 by clicking here
We aim to ensure that our excellent delivery of physical education allows all children to have the skills and mindset to leave primary school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and to lead active lifestyles at secondary school and beyond.