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Thank you to everyone who attended our open mornings. If you were not able to attend the open mornings and would like to visit the school for Reception 2025-2026, please contact the school office.
The Mansion
At St Anne’s, we always seek to act in a way which is spiritual, aspirational, truthful, collaborative, respectful, courageous and loving."
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Welcome to St Anne's Catholic Primary School

Court Road, Banstead, Surrey. SM7 2PH
Tel: 01737 350012
Email: info@stannes-school.uk
School opening hours: 8.30am - 3.10pm 


Open Mornings

Thank you to those that attended our Open Mornings. To arrange a visit or more information, please contact the school office via email to

info@stannes-school.uk or call  (01737 350012).

Year 6's Residential Trip

The Year 6 children are still talking about their wonderful trip to Shropshire! It was a jam packed week at JCA, with activities such as rock climbing, buggy building, orienteering, laser tag and kayaking. Everyone listened well to the instructors and tried their best with every activity. It was lovely to see the children work together to develop their team work, with lots of children demonstrating their leadership skills too. Lots of children were nervous about spending the week away from home, but they were all so brave and by the end of the week they were desperate to stay! We really enjoyed getting to know the children in a more relaxed environment and we are all extremely proud of every child. Thank you to all the adults who came with us to make this an extra special trip.

2025 Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee

Pope Francis has announced that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee – an event that happens every 25 years. The theme for the upcoming Jubilee is “Pilgrims of Hope”.

The 2025 Jubilee will begin in Advent 2024 and will run until the Feast of the Epiphany in 2026.

  • Jubilee at St Anne's

    What is a Jubilee?

    Taking place every 25 years, a Jubilee year is a tradition that is recognised and respected throughout the world as being a significant part of the history of our faith.

    Excluding the Extraordinary Year of Mercy in 2016, the last Jubilee year took place in 2000, marking an historic moment as the Church entered into her third millennium.

    A Jubilee is a special year of grace, in which the Catholic Church offers the faithful the possibility of asking for a plenary indulgence – a remission of sins for themselves or deceased loved ones.

    The year begins with the well-known custom of the opening of the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica, following the other three papal basilicas in Rome. The Pope grants permission for Holy Doors to be situated throughout the world for Catholics everywhere to take part in this most special rite. Our door of Hope can be found in our school hall.

    These Years, the Church explains, are years “of reconciliation between adversaries, of conversion and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, ‘…and consequently of solidarity, hope, justice, commitment to serve God with joy and in peace with our brothers and sisters’.

    How we marked the launch of  Pilgrimage of hope at St Anne’s

    On 24th January 2025 (launch day) we had a Celebration of the Word, where we heard scripture that linked to being Pilgrims of Hope in our school. We learnt about the chosen logo for this Jubilee year and explored the meaning of the Logo.

     We learnt that the four figures, represents everyone on earth, (all different kinds of people from all different places on earth).

    What discussed what the red figure is holding and wondered why. We also learnt about the area below the figures. We were asked to think about and suggest over the next few weeks how we could be, ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ during this school year. Next, we linked Cathoilc Social Teaching principles to this special work we are doing for God and realized it linked with all of the principles and we suggested why they linked.

    Lastly, we thought about how we will begin our school journey of hope and we will do this in the following ways. Over the year we will:

    • plan opportunities to respond to God's call to turn to him
    •  strive for justice,
    • renew our relationship with God with our neighbours and with the earth itself

    Look out for updates that will show what we are doing.

    The Jubilee Prayer

    Father in heaven,
    may the faith you have given us
    in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
    and the flame of charity enkindled
    in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
    reawaken in us the blessed hope
    for the coming of your Kingdom.

    May your grace transform us
    into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
    May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
    in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth,
    when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
    your glory will shine eternally.

    May the grace of the Jubilee
    reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
    a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
    May that same grace spread
    the joy and peace of our Redeemer
    throughout the earth.
    To you our God, eternally blessed,
    be glory and praise for ever.


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  • Who should I contact?

    If you have any general queries, please contact the school office via 01737 350012 or email via info@stannes-school.uk

    If you have any specific questions regarding your child, please contact us via email (teachers@stannes-school.uk) or make a telephone appointment via the school office.

    Our line management system is:

    Class Teacher > Phase Leader > Deputy Headteacher > Headteacher

    Phase Leader for Reception - Mrs McLennon

    Phase Leader for Years 1-3 - Miss Cooper

    Phase Leader for Years 4-6 - Mrs Ferendinos

    Deputy Headteacher – Mrs Mogan

    Headteacher – Miss Renaut

  • Ofsted and Catholic School Inspection Reports
  • Term Dates
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